Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Empowering Education

 In 2013 Kiva U was created  to help empower the educational world. On this website, you can either join or create a team that correlates with your school, university, or club. It can be used to benefit students of all ages  and educators. Once you join the team, you are able to connect with your peers and other lenders through message boards, join with other teams to receive loans, and be able to make a larger impact, as well as give you the tools to spread the word about Kiva U.

Kiva U's goal is to touch the lives of thousands through microlending. Kiva U  collaborates with Citibank to engage students and educators on financial issues. The main idea is to apply the money towards the many costs  associated with an education and help with school loans. Not only is Kiva U good for financial assistance, but through experiential learning, digital collaboration, and the power of human connections, Kiva U will provide a platform for young people to take charge and change lives through microfinance and financial inclusion.

As Kiva U grows it will make a larger impact on the educational world.

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